Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 1, 2011

present for christmas and Valentine

Candy Bugs

present for christmas and holiday  And the march of death continues . . .

I'm still pretty horizontal with this stupid head cold. Nothing like having so much fluid packed in your skull to be able to feel the roots of your teeth ache. Tylenol is my friend.

Which is why I was glad I'd made this little purchase at the store last week. I bought a bag of mixed flavor LifeSavers and some licorice ropes and let the kids make up their own candy centipedes, candy butterflies and other candy creepy crawlies.

In fact the ropes and holes inspired some interesting free form art such as a candy cat o' nine tails. Because nothing says sweetness like being flogged with sugar, right?

craft christmas and gift ideas

Flip Flop Wreath

Here is a fun summer wreath that is easy to make. And this is a great time of year to make it because the flip flops are all on clearance.

How to Make Corn Husk Dolls

Corn Husk DollsWe made these old-fashioned dolls this weekend and they were a big hit.

I keep thinking this one needs a cute little bonnet and she'd be perfect . . . she's been christened "Rosie" by our friend Emily across the street.

Here are step-by-step instructions on making your own, the only thing you need is some twine and some corn husks. If you're like me, you don't exactly have corn growing out back so the easiest thing to do is to go to the Mexican section of the supermarket and get a packet of dried corn husks for about two dollars.

Corn Husk Dolls Well one package of corn husks makes more than enough so we used the leftover husks for the dolls.

You'll need about a dozen husks per doll, more or less, and several feet of twine. Soak the husks in warm water for about ten minutes then pat them dry and go to work.

1. Take about six or so corn husks and tie them together like you see here at the left.

Make sure the twine pulls together nice and tight.

Rice Crispy Treat Worms/ Caterpillars

This is a repost but since all the caterpillars are coming out around here, I thought it would be fun to share again.

I always love yummy crafts.