Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 12, 2010

Pom-Pom Tutorial

This is a tutorial for making pom-poms using your
fingers. This one is a small, two-finger pom-pom
(about 1" in diameter) but you can make bigger ones
by using more fingers. As far as yarn choice, thinner
and softer yarn will make a more pleasing pom-pom.

Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 12, 2010

Crafty jewelry: Oriental necklace.

Several items in oriental style with the schemes.
 Oriental necklace.

In My Shop: Plushie Duckie Blankie & Shake It Baby Wrist Rattles

art and craft classes


Birthhouse online workshop

Announcing my NEW online workshop: The Felted Birdhouse, August 16 - 27th
Join me this August for my newest online workshop! No matter where you live we can gather together in my virtual studio to make the sweetest felted wool birdhouse for yourself or any lover of cuteness. I’ll be teaching and working with you along the way through a combination of blog posts, downloadable PDF’s, and videos, where participants can communicate with each other and with me. The Felted Birdhouse pattern is not available in my books or anywhere else!

Beaded Handbag

For lovers of handbags of various types and forms.
Miniature woven handbag beaded accommodate keys, lipstick and a mirror, perhaps mobile.
But I would not risk, do not spoil the beauty, lipstick and a mirror is enough.
Why spoil the beauty of

 Beaded Bag

recycled paper flowers

I learned to make paper flowers a long time ago with directions from a library book. They don't require any adhesive, and there are just four shapes to cut out.

A simple wreath of avoidance

I am really dragging my feet on getting out the wise craft Christmas decorations. I mean, is it really, truly Christmas? So soon?
Instead of facing the thousands of decoration-filled boxes we have in the basement, I did what makes to total sense to no one but me.

DIY modern paper ornament

I love spiky starburst shapes, so I attempted a version of the traditional Polish porcupine ball. Here's how to make this cool 3D ornament—great for Christmas or decorating any time. I can imagine jumbo sized versions hanging at parties or weddings. They take awhile, though, so you'd better start making them five years before you plan to get married.

ornament craft: DIY striped paper ornament

My Christmas tree needed more orange (of course), so I made this little thing. It appears to be a spaceship which has crashed into a circus tent. To make your own circus spaceship, you'll need two colors of regular paper, scissors, needle, thread, pencil, ruler, and two beads.