Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 4, 2011

Make a bead necklace

Do you have some beads?
Do not know how to adapt?
Make of these beads, there is a way 
with which the novice user.
We need:
3.Plotnaya thread (fine cord), the color of the beads. 
2.Kley PVA. 
4.Lenta in tone beads.

1.Otrezaem 1,5 m cord. Put on a horizontal surface. The ends of the cord better lubricate glue and a bit of focus (so it will be easier to string beads). Dress on the cord three beads, stretch in the middle column.

2.Teper dress fourth bead, threading through it, as the left side of the cord and the right.
 (500x247, 46Kb)
3.Vot here in more detail and clearly show how it's done.
4.Takim way to make necklaces. The ends of the cord tightens, knot, prokleivaem glue, but then cut off.
 (400x265, 76Kb) (400x265, 57Kb)
5.Teper Glue ribbons for the last bead necklaces. Doing it with two storon.Vot and all beads are ready
 (400x228, 57Kb)

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